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  1. Quack

    I'm Back

    Hey, I'm Back and well Schools over and i almost went to the hosipital i was in a accient (not a car accient) but i flipped over and almost had to go to the hosipital but i'm ok, I'm glad to be back!:) :o :concern:
  2. Quack

    New Account

    I have Created a New Account, Fiama. And I will be using that account for now on, and yes i've been told that you guys are invesigating weather this is true or something well ya, it is. I have created a new account and i would like to be able to see my post! Sorry, but ya my new account is Fiama
  3. Quack

    Do You Like Cars?

    Do You Like Cars? If So Please Say Yes Or No If Yes Would You Join a Forum about Cars? yes or no
  4. Quack

    Favorite Classic Muppet

    Who's your Favorite Classic Muppet? Mine is Kermit :)
  5. Quack

    Is it true?

    Is it true that people on this forum Worked for Jim henson? Like Well Helped out ect. That stuff
  6. Quack

    Some Work I've Done...

    Heres sum stuff I've done with photoshop: ~My Best Piece of Art ~I was Bored
  7. Quack

    Rate The Avatar above You

    "Since i can't post in the Games I guess i'll put it here" Ok Welcome to Rate the avatar above you *Music Begins* Heres what'cha have to do: Rate a Avatar from 1 to 10 Lets begin *Serious Music Begins* :rolleyes:
  8. Quack

    The Muppet Matrix!

    I found this and I love it You Must check it out:
  9. Quack

    Muppets Snow Globe

    Ok, So when i was like six, my Parent's Friend got me a Snow Globe from the Macy's Day Prade, and so I was Looking at it and is had kermit! I was So Happy! :) Do U Have a Muppets or Muppets Related Snow Globe?