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  1. D

    Classic Sesame song in a Subway commercial

    Anyone seen the Subway commercial yet with the song "One Of These Things Is Not Like the Other" yet?
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    I know someone can help me...

    Watching the special tonight... and seeing a few seconds from 1969... makes me long more than ever to finally lay eyes on Show #1. I don't have any episodes to trade... but if someone could find it in their heart to gelp me out, drop me an email at gsmith99 (at) Thanks! - Geoff
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    Great article

    ...from the November 1st National Post (Canada)
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    Music question

    Does anyone know if the slowed-down harmonica version of the main theme that used to be played over the opening scene ever came out in the clear? IE, the master recording, either on an official release, or unofficially and on the trading circuit?
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    Early Sesame Street

    Sadly, I really have nothing to trade, but I've longed for ages to see Sesame Street Episode #1. If there's anyone out there that would do a deal for blank tape, CD's, etc, out of the goodness of their hearts, please email me. Failing the first episode, other episodes from the first couple of...