This Is Your Story: Scooby Doo


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
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I come up a Guy Smiley's This Is Your Story sketch with Scooby Doo. To warn you, you may not know some of his relatives that much except for one relative. Anyway, here it is:

(A This Is Your Story sign was shown and we hear the announcer whispering.)
Announcer: (Whispering) And now it’s time for everybody’s favorite reunion show, This Is Your Story. And here is your host, Guy Smiley!
(The sign fades and we see Guy Smiley already in the studio, but nobody applaud. And it’s the same studio as This Is Your Story: Forgetful Jones. With another curtain on stage left.)
Guy Smiley: (Whispering) Hello everyone! This is Guy Smiley and welcome to This Is Your Story. Now be absolutely quiet audience. Because I think our special guest is coming right about now.
(Coming out of the golden glittering curtain is none other than Scooby Doo humming himself and approaching Guy Smiley.)
Scooby Doo: Do do do do do…Oh, Rello!
Guy Smiley: Hello! May I help you?
Scooby Doo: Reah! I’m rooking for Ruy Smiley.
Guy Smiley: Ruy Smiley?
Scooby Doo: Reah!
Guy Smiley: Uh…don’t you mean Guy Smiley?
Scooby Doo: Rhat’s what I said! Ruy Smiley!
Guy Smiley: Well I am Guy Smiley and surprise! Because Scooby Doo, THIS IS YOUR STORY!
(The audience now started cheering and we hear the same music from This Is Your Story: Forgetful Jones and Beat the Time with the Count.)
Scooby Doo: Huh? Ry story?
Guy Smiley: Yes! Your story!
Scooby Doo: Oh! Ry story! (laughs)
Guy Smiley: Yes!
(The audience stop applauding and the music is off.)
Scooby Doo: Rhat does that rean?
Guy Smiley: What does it mean? It means behind that curtain over there, are some dogs that you know very well. Now before they come out, let’s see if you can guess who they are from their voices and what they say. Scooby, here is the first familiar voice.
Voice: I remember you rhen you were first born, son. Your first words are Scooby Doo.
Guy Smiley: Scooby, can you remember who’s voice that is?
Scooby Doo: Is it ry cousin Scooby Dum?
Guy Smiley: No. But here’s a clue. It’s a woman or female dog. And she raised you when you were a puppy.
Scooby Doo: (Pondering) A remale rog who raised me.
Guy Smiley: Here’s another clue.
Voice: Your Dada and I are rery proud of you, son.
Guy Smiley: It’s one of your parents and it’s not your father.
Scooby Doo: It’s not ry cousin Scooby Dum?
Guy Smiley: No Scooby Doo, it’s your MOTHER!
Scooby Doo: OH!

( The music comes in and the audience are cheering. Momsy and Dada Doo enter from golden glittering curtain from stage left.)
Guy Smiley: Yes! Yes! Here they are from Coolsville, Ohio. It’s your mother and father!
Scooby Doo: Momsy! Dada! (Hugging his parents)
Momsy Doo: Rello dear!
Dada Doo: Rello son!
Guy Smiley: And now, moving down memory lane Scooby, here’s another voice from your past.
Voice: I remember when I used to live with ya and our parents.
Scooby Doo: Ret’s see…Is it ry cousin Scooby Dum?
Guy Smiley: Close, but no dog biscuit. Here’s a clue. It’s another puppy your living with your parents and he is your sibling.
(Scooby Doo still didn’t had the faintest idea.)
Guy Smiley: Here’s another clue.
Voice: I miss you when I’m living far away, pardner.
Scooby Doo: Rell, that’s not my cousin Scooby Dum..
Guy Smiley: Right.
Scooby Doo: And not ry brother…
Guy Smiley: That’s right! It’s your brother YABBA DOO!
Scooby Doo: Yabba Doo?
(Music came up and the audience cheering. Yabba Doo a country western white great dane came out of the curtain from stage left.)
Guy Smiley: Yes!
Scooby Doo: Oh Yabba Doo!
(Scooby and Yabba embrace)
Yabba Doo: Howdy Scooby Doo! I really miss ya, pardner.
Guy Smiley: Yes! But there’s another sibling you haven’t seen for quite a while is your sister RUBY DOO!
(Music came up and the audience cheering. Ruby Doo enter from the same curtain.)
Scooby Doo: RUBY DOO!
(Scooby and Ruby embracing and Ruby kissed him.)

Ruby Doo: Hello Scooby!
Guy Smiley: Wonderful! And now Scooby Doo, here’s a familiar catchphrase.
Scooby Doo: Scooby Dum?
Guy Smiley: No Scooby! This little fellow is a son of your sister here and he spent a month with your brother.
Guy Smiley: And he says like that.
Scooby Doo: Oh! It’s Scrappy Doo!
Guy Smiley: That’s right! It’s your nephew SCRAPPY DOO!
(Music came up and the audience cheering. And Scrappy Doo enter once again the same curtain. Scrappy give his Uncle Scooby a hug.)
ScrappyDoo: Hiya Uncle Scooby!
Scooby Doo: Ri Scrappy!
Scrappy Doo: I miss you very much and I love you.
Scooby Doo: Aaaaw! (Laughs)
Scrappy Doo: Oh hi Uncle Yabba!
Yabba Doo: Hey there, lil’ buckeroo!
Guy Smiley: Wonderful Wonderful! And now audience, a final voice to remember.
Voice: Dum dum dum dum!
Guy Smiley: Here’s a clue. It’s a dog that you guessed three times already and he’s a cousin of yours.
Scooby Doo: Um…I ron’t know.
Guy Smiley: Oh Scooby Doo, it’s (Looking at his relatives) Everyone!
Guy and Scooby’s realtives: IT’S YOUR COUSIN SCOOBY DUM!
Scooby Doo: OH!
(Music came up and the audience cheering. Scooby Dum a dimwitted Blue Merle Great Dane enter from the golden glittering curtain on stage left.)
Scooby Doo: Scooby Dum!

Scooby Dum: Scooby Doobie Doo!
(They did a couple of high fives and embrace. They both laugh.)
Guy Smiley: That’s right! Terrific!
(Guy Smiley pulled out an album.)
Guy Smiley: And now here Scooby Doo. Here’s an album with complete pictures of your relatives and a year supply of Scooby Snacks!
(The curtain from the left open and revealed a lot of boxes of Scooby Snacks.)
Scooby Doo: Scooby Snacks? Oh roy!
(Scooby dived on the snack and ate some of them.)
Guy Smiley: And that concludes your story Scooby Doo. And this is Guy Smiley saying tune in again next time on This Is Your Story! Yes! Wonderful Wonderful! Thank you all for being a part of this fabulous reunion! Now if you all excuse me, I have to do Beat the Time on the next studio. See you next time! (He exits)
Scooby Doo: (Laughs) Scooby Doobie Dooooooo!

For more information of his relatives. Go to this link:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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Or how about doing another "Here is Your Life" episode with a Cheese Pizza?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
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How about Here is your life with Ash Ketchum?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2006
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What you guys think of it? You guys have think your opinion first. Instead of asking what should I write. So, what you think of it? Do you like it or not?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2003
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I'm actually doing classic Scooby-Doo episodes with the Muppets tagging along. So far I'm doing "Scooby-Doo Where Are You?" with the Muppet Babies in them!