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Labyrinth Trivia

Below you will see a series of questions. Please click the appropriate button of the answer of your choice. When you are finished you can check your scores and find out your grade. Good luck (and you can always try it again)!

1. What year was the film released?

2. Who was the executive producer of Labyrinth?
Jim Henson
George Lucas
Steven Spielberg
Nicholas Roag

3. Who directed the film?
Jim Henson
Frank Oz
Brian Froud
Nick Parts

4. Who was the editor that has a Sesame Street related name?
Bert Snuffleupagus
Chris Twiddlebug
Michael Bird
John Grover

5. Brian Froud’s son played Sarah’s baby brother. What is his name in real life?
Toby Froud
Tony Froud
Tom Froud
Theodore Froud

6. Which of these songs written by David Bowie was not in the film?
Warmin’ Up
Dance Magic
Within You

7. Which of these puppeteers did not perform one of the Fireys?
Cheryl Henson
Brian Henson
Kevin Clash
Anthony Asbury

8. What play was Sarah reading at the beginning of the film?
Midnight Summer’s Dream
Phantom of the Opera
How to Become a Star

9. What does Jareth turn into?
A snake
A goblin
An owl
Miss Piggy

10. What was Hoggle killing with a spray gun?

11. How did Sarah find Ludo?
He was tied up being tortured by Goblins
He was a slave to Jareth
He was lost in the Labyrinth
He was cooking dinner

12. What did Jareth give Hoggle to give to Sarah?
An apple
A ring
A peach
A map

13. Who was the first character to help Sarah on her journey once she was inside the Labyrinth?
The worm
No one

14. What happened after Sarah marked an arrow with her lipstick pointing to the direction she was going?
Stone was turned to wrong direction
Lipstick disappeared
It was washed away in the rain

15. Sir Didymus was guarding a bridge over what?
Bog of Eternal Stench
The River of Flies
The Swamp of Slime
The Lake of Lime

16. What was the name of Sir Didymus’ dog?

17. How many Fireys were there?

18. Who performed the Goblin Junklady?
Karen Prell
Louise Gold
Brian Henson
Kevin Clash

19. Brian Henson performed Hoggle’s head and voice, but who was the actress inside?
Cheryl McFadden
Heather Henson
Shari Weiser
Kathy Mullen

20. In the finale, Sarah confronted Jareth in a room based on a drawing by what famous artist?
Claude Monet
M.C. Escher
Brian Froud
Walt Disney

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Quiz Written by: Michael Dixon, Tom Holste, Mar Quinn, and Phillip Chapman


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