Muppet World Collectibles

Song of the Zubble-wump (1996)
by Random House. By Tish Rabe. Adapted from a script by David Steven Cohen.
Illustrated by Tom Brannon. Hardcover, 22 pages.
only one Zubble-wump egg and it hatches only once every 82 years. To make
sure no harm comes to the precious egg, Grandpa Mullally brings in the
egg-watching expert, Horton the elephant. But not even the hawk-eyed Horton
can stop the thieving, nasty green Grinch, who pulls a switcheroo and
snatches the egg.

to Bed Fred (1996)
by Workman Publishing. Written by Alison Inches, Illustrated by Lauren
Attinello and Rollie Krewson. Board book, 16 pages.
The main
attraction of "Go to Bed, Fred: A Good Night Book & Muppet Puppet"
is, of course, the Muppet. Pale-blue Fred has a wild tuft of bright yellow
hair, a lime-green nose and a wide mouth. The board book uses rhyme to
show Fred getting ready for bed with a host of animal assistants: "Hand
me a towel, Baby Owl./ Time to floss, Albatross".

Lizzy Lou! (1997)
by Workman Publishing. Written by Alison Inches, Illustrated by Lauren
Attinello and Rollie Krewson. Board book, 16 pages.
From bedroom
to hall to dining room, Lizzy Lou finds her friends everywhere, in delightful
rhymes that will have children chiming in, as if on cue, with "Peek-a-boo!"
Here is a bouncy tale for curious toddlers, filled with the rambunctious
spirits of playtime and the comfortingly familiar routine of a favorite
game. The original version of this set came with an orange puppet. However,
there is a new version of this set which comes with a yellow puppet as

Henson's Scary, Scary Monsters (1998)
by Golden Books. Written by Ellen Weiss. Illustrated by Larry DiFiori.
Paper engineering by Iain Smyth. Hardcover. Illustrations, 10 pages.
A fun pop-up
book introducing the Scary Scary Monsters, seven funny monster characters
inspired by the early work of Jim Henson. The story follows Norbert, who
finds a strange object (an umbrella) and tries to find out what it is.
The real joy of the book is the detailed, creative illustrations and "paper
engineering." One of the monsters is Splurge, the big purple monster from
1969's "Hey Cinderella".

Big Blue House: A Book of First Words (1998)
by Simon and Schuster. Written by Alison Weir and Janelle Cherrington.
Illustrated by Cary Rillo. Hardcover. Photos and illustrations, 10 pages.
Take a tour
through Bear's house in this book of words while identifying all the objects.
Bear and his friends are pictured in photos against an illustrated background.

Loves Food! (1999)
by Simon and Schuster. By Janelle Cherrington. Based on a teleplay by
P. Kevin Strader. Illustrated by Cary Rillo. Hardcover. Photos and
illustrations, 20 pages.
Bear examines
the mysteries of food. Bear smells good things to eat like cookies, ice
cream, pasta, french fries, grapes and other kinds of food fill the pages.
Friends Treelo, Tutter, Pip and Pop all join Bear for the big feast.

Loves Water! (1999)
by Simon and Schuster. By Ellen Weiss. Based on a teleplay by Mitchell
Kreigman. Illustrated by Cary Rillo. Hardcover. Photos and illustrations,
20 pages.
The education
lesson involves water and the various forms its can take like snow, rain,
and steam, and the shapes and characteristics of these forms. The concluding
scene shows Bear sharing his wading pool with friends.

Is Delightful! (1999)
by Simon and Schuster. By Janelle Cherrington. Based on a teleplay by
Andy Yerkes. Illustrated by Joe Ewers. Hardcover lift-the-flap book. Photos
and illustrations, 14 pages.
Bear and
his gang find a buried treasure, plant a tree, and make mud puddles as
they learn that dirt is one of the very best things in the whole wide

Surprise in the Mailbox (1999)
by Simon and Schuster. By Eleanor Fremont. Based on a teleplay by Andy
Yerkes. Illustrated by Tom Leigh. Paperback. Illustrations, 24 pages.
Tutter gets
a letter announcing a visit from Grandma Flutter. Based on the episode
"The Big Little Visitor."

Can Share, Too (1999)
by Simon and Schuster. By Janelle Cherrington. Based on a teleplay by
Andy Yerkes. Illustrated by Normand Chartier. Paperback. Illustrations,
24 pages.
All is peaceful
in the Big Blue House until both Ojo and Treelo want to play with Ojo's
favorite toy, Snow Bear, and they don't want to share. When Bear proposes
they play a pretend game of "Snow Bear in the Woods," the two friends
join right in and spin an elaborate imaginary tale that keeps them both

to the Big Blue House! (1999)
by Simon and Schuster. By Ellen Weiss. Based on a teleplay by Andy Yerkes.
Illustrated by Joe Ewers. Hardcover lift-the-flap book. Photos and illustrations,
14 pages.
Bear shows
off his house, and finds his friends under flaps. Bear and his friends
are pictured in photos against an illustrated background.

Is Bear? (1999)
by Random House. By Tish Rabe. Illustrated by Joe Ewers. Hardcover. Illustrations,
32 pages.
Kids can
come along on a tour of the Big Blue House while searching for Bear. Readers
are introduced to all of Bear's puppet friends as they go from room to
room, finally finding Bear himself.

That Smell: Scratch and Sniff Flap Book (1999)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Janelle Cherrington. Illustrated by
Cary Rillo. Hardcover, 12 pages.
Can you guess
what smell Bear is sniffing for? Follow Bear around his big blue house
and discover all the surprising smells there are to scratch and sniff
underneath the flaps inside this scent-sational book.
Bedtime Wish (1999)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Ellen Weiss. Illustrated by Joe Ewers.
Hardcover, 12 pages.
Read the
story, "charge" the pages, then sit this book next to your bed
as a night-light. Expose each page to a bright lamp for a few minutes.
Then turn out the lights to see the pages glow in the dark. After the
book has been "charged" for the first time, you can use a flashlight
to recharge the glow-in-the-dark pages.

Night (1999)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Ellen Weiss and Kiki Thorpe. Illustrated
by Joe Ewers. Hardcover, 12 pages.
Just like
"Bear's Bedtime Wish", "Luna's Wish" is also a glow
in the dark book featuring everyone's favorite moon. These goal of these
books is to help kids while falling asleep.

Christmas Bear (1999)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Janelle Cherrington. Illustrated by
Tom Brannon. Paperback, 16 pages.
This "Stickers
'n' Shapes" title celebrates Bear's favorite holiday, Christmas, with
48 colorful stickers. Full color. plus 2-page insert.
Shop Annual (1999, UK)
by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Written by Vicci Purr. Hardback, 64 pages.
to Mopatop's Shop. I'm Mopatop and this is my shop..." From the very
first page, this annual is sure to delight both young and old alike. It
features games, character bios, and puzzles. There's an original TV script
adapted for the annual called "Upsy Daisy". What's fun is that
the characters end up upside-down during the story.

Party (1999, UK)
by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Illustrated in color. Paperback, 32 pages.
is Bonnie's birthday and she is very excited. Children are invited to
join Mopatop and Puppyduck as they decorate the shop for a surprise party.

with a Puddle (1999, UK)
by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Illustrated in color. Paperback, 32 pages.
Moley wants a sign, a fence and a beautiful garden, but will Mopatop and
Puppyduck be able to offer a helping hand?

Daisy (1999, UK)
by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Illustrated in color. Paperback, 32 pages.
are invited to join Mopatop and Puppyduck as Upsy Daisy turns the shop
upside down. What will Moosey think of it all?

Way to the Garden (1999, UK)
by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Illustrated in color. Paperback, 32 pages.
and Puppyduck can hear a drip, but where on earth can it be coming from?

Shape Book (2000)
by Random House Books. Written by Kiki Thorpe and Illustrated by Joe Ewers.
Paperback, 32 pages.
From circles
and squares to roses, noses, and curvy garden hoses, Bear introduces beginning
readers to the wide and wildly varied world of shapes.

Is All You Need (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Catherine Daly-Weir and illustrated
by Kathryn Mitter. Paperback, 32 pages.
Based on
a special, award-winning "Bear in the Big Blue House" episode,
this heartwarming story is about all the different kinds of love Bear
and his friends share at the Big Blue House. This touching story celebrates
the many meanings of love and the enduring power of friendship.

Big Sleepover (2000)
by Random House. Written by Nancy Inteli and illustrated by Matthew Stoddart.
Paperback, 16 pages.
Join Bear
as he plans a sleepover with all his friends and find out just what kind
of adventures that entails.

That Squeak? Squeeze and Squeak Book (2000)
by Children's Reader's Digest. Written by Catherine Daley. Hardback, 18
Tutter gets
right on the case when he hears a puzzling squeak, squeak, squeak all
over the Big Blue House. What could it be? Squeak along as Detective Tutter
Le Mouse tries to solve the mystery. Comes with built in Tutter squeaker.

Tiny Trip (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Kiki Thorpe and illustrated by Tom
Brannon. Hardback, 16 pages.
Tutter is
getting ready to go on a trip with his Grandma Flutter, but he's not sure
if he's ready to face the big world. After all, he's such a tiny mouse.
Find out what happens in this story of travel, adventure, and friendship.

Has Sprung! (February 2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Kiki Thorpe and illustrated by Tom
Brannon. Paperback, 24 pages.
It's the
first day of spring. But when Pip and Pop go to the otter pond to ice-skate,
they find all the ice has melted. They're disappointed until Bear shows
them all the wonderful things there are to do in spring. By the end of
the day, everyone in the Big Blue House has caught spring fever.

the Day With Bear Playtab Book (2000)
by Reader's Digest. Written by Catherine Daley. Paperback, 12 pages.
What do
the good friends in the Big Blue House like to do all day? Come along
and find out as you spend the day with Bear. Press out Ojo, Pip and Pop,
Treelo, and Tutter and help them have fun all around the Big Blue House.

at the Big Blue House (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Janelle Cherrington and illustrated
by Tom Brannon. Paperback, 24 pages.
What happens
when things start disappearing at the Big Blue House? The Big Blue House
detectives must crack the case! Join Bear and the supersleuths Ojo and
Tutter as they track down clues and get to the bottom of it all.

Name Is Bear (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Nancy Inteli and illustrated by Gary
Johnson. Hardcover, 12 pages. Book & toy edition.
This interactive
mini book and plush is perfect for Bear's littlest fans. The soft beanbag
plush is just right for cuddling, and the simple storybook introduces
Bear and all his friends. Little ones can move Bear's arms and legs as
they follow along with the text.

and Found (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Janelle Cherrington and illustrated
by Tom Brannon. Hardcover, 16 pages.
Ojo and Tutter
can't find Ojo's Snowbear anywhere. Then Treelo suggests that they all
play a special round of hide-and-seek to find Ojo's favorite toy. Will
they find the missing Snowbear?

Feels Like Fun, Soft Tab Book (2000)
by Children's Readers Digest. Written by Ellen Weiss. Illustrated by Tom
Brannon, and photography by John E. Barrett. Hardcover, 12 pages.
A simple
guessing game allows kids to enjoy active problem solving in It Feels
Like Fun! A descriptive word beside each textured tab helps enthusiastic
youngsters to associate the written word with the texture it represents.

Big Blue House Call (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Kiki Thorpe and illustrator Tom Brannon.
Paperback, 24 pages.
It's Checkup
Day at the Big Blue House. Everyone is excited because Doc Hogg is making
a special house call. But Ojo is afraid of getting her vaccination shot.
Will she conquer her fears? Find out in this reassuring story, perfect
for reading before any child's trip to the doctor.

Big Band (2000)
by Reader's Digest Children's Publishing. Written by Kiki Thorpe and illustrated
by Cary Rillo and John E. Barrett. Paperback, 18 pages.
Bear in the
Big Blue House comes to life in this interactive storybook starring the
insatiably curious Bear and his house full of lively friends. In Bear's
Big Band, Bear and his friends love to make music all around the Big Blue
House. Come and squeak along with the band.

Breakfast Treat (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Janelle Thorpe and illustrated by
Tom Brannon. Paperback, 16 pages.
When Bear
makes his famous banana berry whole wheat pancakes with Maple Syrup, Ojo,
Tutter, Treelo, Pip, and Pop all lend a helping paw in the kitchen. What's
the key ingredient? Teamwork, of course. Pull up a chair, and with the
stickers inside, you can help everyone pitch in with the cooking, the
cleaning, and especially the eating.

You've Got to Go! (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Janelle Kriegman and Mitchell Kriegman,
and illustrated by Kathryn Mitter. Paperback, 24 pages.
Listen to
your body when it's time to use the potty! When Tutter, Ojo, and Treelo
have questions about going to the bathroom, Bear provides the reassuring
answers and guidance that they -- and readers -- need to hear. It's the
perfect book to accompany potty training!

Loves Opposites! (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Kiki Thorpe and illustrated by Cary
Rillo. Hardcover, 22 pages.
you know what Bear loves about night and day, up and down, and big and
small? They're all opposites. Bear explains just how great opposites can
be. Day and night, up and down, dirty and clean...no two ways about it,
opposites are fun!

Loves Weather! (2000)
by Simon & Schuster. Written by Janelle Cherrington and illustrated
by Cary Rillo.
Hardcover, 22 pages.
you know what Bear loves about sunny days, snowy days, and rainy days?
They're all different kinds of weather.

in the Big Blue House Annual (2000, UK)
by Grandreams Limited. Written by Nichola Tyrrell. Designed by Joanna
Davies. Hardcover, 64 pages.
fun annual features some fantastic color photos of Bear and his friends.
Highlights include Bear's photo album, Mouse Party, Otter Pond Game, and
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Muppet World Collectibles.

compiled by
Cindy Chapman and Phillip Chapman