and Software
Fraggle Collectibles

Fraggle Trap Game (1983, UK)
Games Ltd. released this game for ages 3 and up. This Fraggle Rock board
game was produced for the English market.
The object
of the game is the stay out of the Fraggle Trap and collect as many radishes
as you can. It comes with a very nicely illustrated game board, 8 colored
game pieces, cardboard radishes, a dice and dice cup, a set of game cards
with some funny looking Fraggles on them and a plastic Fraggle Trap. The
illustrations on the box, board and cards are more fun than the game itself.

Rock Board Game (1984)
This game
by Milton Bradley Co. is designed by ages 6-12. The box bills this as
"a fun-filled game with the happy-go-lucky Fraggles!" so it
MUST be true.
object of this game is to pick up a postcard in Doc's Workshop and visit
the Trash Heap (in any order) then jump in the Swimming Hole. To win this
game you must be the first player to those three "tasks". This
game comes with a game board, 5 pawns, 5 pawn bases, 28 cards, 5 postcards
and 1 spinner with plastic spinner arrow. This game just seems to have
been the brainchild of some corporate merchandising group to cash in on
the Fraggle merchandise. It could have been much more creative like the
Fraggle Rock board games made by Falcon in the UK. It also would have
been nice to see some figural Fraggle game pieces as opposed to cardboard,
but it is still a nice addition to any Fraggle Rock collection.

Rock Doozer Construction Game (1984, UK)
Falcon Games
Ltd. produced this game for ages 3 and up.
object of this English Fraggle Rock game is to be the first player or
team to complete their construction by reaching the solid yellow square
between the red arrows. It's uncertain as to why they don't call the yellow
square the "finish" line or square as that is how it's labeled
on the board. The game consists of a 15 by 15 inch game board, 170 Doozer
Building Cards, 1 dice and dice cup and 21 directions cards. The illustrations
on the box, board and directions cards are very nice and are done by an
artist that did other Fraggle items such as the UK Fraggle Rock annuals.

Rock HBO Playing Cards (1992)
1992 when Fraggle Rock's original home HBO had it's 20th anniversary,
a special deck of playing cards were issued to employees and those somehow
affiliated with HBO. Each card in this series was different. They featured
a picture of HBO's many forms of entertainment within it's firth twenty
years such their prime-time series, original movies or it's family oriented
series such as Fraggle Rock. So, the Jack of Diamonds card received the
honor of representing the years Fraggle Rock aired on HBO.
On another
Muppet/HBO related note, Emmet Otter's Jug-band Christmas" was on
the Jack of Spades. It is rather comical to see a Fraggle Rock card mixed
in with a card from HBO's series Real Sex but, this set has just that.
Who said Fraggle Rock was just for kids anyway?
back to Fraggle Rock Collectibles.

compiled by
Nick Bondra, Cindy Chapman and Phillip Chapman