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Coloring and Activity Books
Fraggle Collectibles

Fraggle Rock Coloring Books (1984-1985)

Holt, Rinehart and Winston and also CBC Enterprises in Canada published several coloring and activity type books as part of their Fraggle Rock book series. Each measured at 11 by 8 1/2 and were approximately 48 pages.

Many of the writes and illustrators for these worked on other Fraggle Rock books in the series. Some of the artwork is very fun and some of it is rather weak.

Down at Fraggle Rock (1984)

Written and illustrated by Barbara McClintock who is no stranger in the Fraggle Rock book series.

This is a well illustrated coloring book that has a loose story line. The pages have captions and dialogue when necessary.

Fun and Games in Fraggle Rock (1984)

Written and illustrated by Lisa McCue. She also has done a few Fraggle Rock books. If you own all of the books Lisa has illustrated, you will noticed that her artwork progresses immensely in the newer books such as the Weekly Reader book "Wembley And The Soggy Map".

Unfortunately, some of the Fraggle drawings in this book look a little strange at times. Their bodies are almost a little too human in proportion.

Uncle Traveling Matt's Adventures in Outer Space (1984)

Written and illustrated by Diane Dawson Hearn. Diane is another Fraggle Rock illustration regular.

The unique style of line work in her drawings makes this book stand apart from others. It isn't just the average cookie-cutter type of artwork for a change.

Fun with the Fraggles (1984)

Written by Charyl Taubner and illustrated by Dean Yeagle.

This is an activity book as well as a coloring book. The back says "Fun With The Fraggles" is chock-full of Fraggle activities and pictures to color that will give young children hours of fun ". Can't argue with that. The pictures look nice too.

Springtime in Fraggle Rock (1985)

Written and illustrated by Dennis Hockerman.

This coloring book follows a story of the five Fraggles planting and harvesting a garden as they celebrate the season of Spring. The radishes are ripe for the Doozers, Fraggles, and Gorgs! Find out what challenges await the Fraggle five.

Summer Fun with the Fraggles (1985)

Illustrated by Dean Yeagle.

There's no story in this book, however, it's comprised of random images of Fraggles enjoying summer. The artwork is done well.

Action packed fun for any Fraggle fan!

Wintertime in Fraggle Rock (1985)

Written and illustrated by Lauren Attinello.

This book is about how the Fraggles spend their winters by preparing for the Festival of the Bells and just playing around. No Fraggle Freeze though. There's an out-of-place illustration of the Minstrels in this book as well.

Fraggles' Favorite Games and Puzzles (1985)

Written by Liane B. Onish and illustrated by Lauren Attinello.

This one has more elaborate illustrating that the other coloring and activity books. A few supporting characters also make an appearance in this one as well such as, the Minstrels, Begoony and Wander McMootch.

Fraggle Rock Coloring Book (1984, UK)

This coloring book was published in London, England by Grandreams Limited.

It has the same interior as the Holt, Rinehart and Winston "Down At Fraggle Rock" coloring book but has a photograph cover and no title. It also doesn't give credit to the author or illustrator. Some of the other US coloring books were probably released in this fashion overseas as well.

Fraggle Rock Large Coloring and Learning Books (1988)

With the release of the Fraggle Rock animated series, a series of learning books were published from Longmeadow Press. Along with this series of books were at least three large sized coloring activity books with a learning basic skills theme to each one. Each book measures around 17 x 14 inches. The covers are illustrated by Larry Di Fiori, however, he is not credited for them. The series includes the following:

The Fraggles Big Counting Coloring Book

Written by Michael Teitelbaum and illustrated by George Wildman.

This book shows kids how to count from 1 to 20 with the help of the Fraggles. The artwork is among the absolute poorest quality of all Fraggle Rock illustrations.

The Fraggles Big Opposites Coloring Book

Written by Bonnie A. Weir and illustrated by John Costanza.

In this book " the Fraggles are having a Fun Fair and Food Festival. The strange thing though, is that everything at the fair has an opposite! Join the Fraggles as they learn that opposites can be a lot of fun!" This is all true! An interesting aspect of this book is that many background Fraggles, although very inaccurately drawn (some are the incorrect gender) are included. Such as Large Marvin, Rumple and a female Feenie Fraggle. The artwork is fairly decent despite the inaccurate character likenesses.

The Fraggles Big Fun & Games Activity Book

Written by Michael Teitelbaum and illustrated by John Castanza.

This book includes many activity sort of things such as your dot-to-dots and mazes. The artist is the same person that drew the Big Opposites coloring book as well, so this one doesn't look too bad. In fact, this book's Fraggles seem a little more carefully drawn. The only real downfall is that Junior Gorg looks to be modeled after the hideous cartoon series version.

Invisible Ink and Magic Pen Activity Books (1989)

Lee Publications produced these activity books riding on the tail end of the Fraggle Rock animated series. There were two different magic pen and invisible ink books. The books were sold separately and each was vacuumed wrapped along with a special marker. The pages appear to be blank but what's this? If you go over them with the seeming dried out marker the pictures become colored! Amazing what they can do these days?

Judging from the artwork of these two books, the artist used reference from the animated Fraggles rather than photos of the puppet versions. These ink books were some of the very last pieces of the Fraggle Rock merchandising released until the new volume of videos came out in 1993.

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Section compiled by
Nick Bondra, Cindy Chapman and Phillip Chapman


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