and Accessories
Fraggle Collectibles
more clothes, visit the T-shirt section.

Rock Blanket Sleeper and Robe (1984)
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were more fortunate back in the mid-eighties. They could have Fraggle
Rock in school, on TV, on their eating utensils and they could even wear
Fraggle Rock to bed.
available through regular department store outlets, the Fraggle Rock children's
blanket sleepers and robes were also offered in an ad in Muppet Magazine
focusing on several different Fraggle Rock items. There are probably other
clothing items like these with different graphics in on them in existence,
yet since things such as children's clothing are not seen by many as collectible
they are difficult to come by. If they can be found, their condition can
be quite questionable.

Rock Wallet (1984)
vinyl wallet by Imaginings features an image Gobo Fraggle printed on the
front. It appears to be made by Imaginings, the manufacturer that produced
the Red Fraggle tote bag and purse. Gobo's name is labeled under the picture
in the same way Red's name is on the tote bag and purse, plus the artwork
appears to be the same as well.
The wallet
is no high quality item but works fine for a child's first, however, these
tend to rip easily. It has a couple pockets on the inside to store goodies
and the back side sports a printed Fraggle Rock logo.

Rock Tote Bag (1984)
Fraggle seemed to be the Fraggle geared towards little girls even more
so than her room mate Mokey Fraggle. She appears on at least three tote
bag or purse related items.
This one
is measures about 9 by 10 (not counting the handle) and 3 inches wide.
It has a simple yet decent graphic of Red Fraggle with her maracas that
she's commonly seen with on a lot of Fraggle merchandising. The Fraggle
Rock logo can be found on the opposite side of the bag as well as on the
card board tag the item was originally sold with.

Rock "Bits & Bobs" Purse (1984)
Frankel &
Roth Limited produced this Fraggle Rock purse or tote bag. It features
a small illustration of Red Fraggle playing a gigantic tambourine. The
phrase "bits & bobs" is surrounded by musical notes. Bit's
& Bobs most likely refers to the little items that can be stored within
the 6 by 6 by 3 inch confines of this bag.

Rock Purse (1984)
bag featuring Red Fraggle, this one from Imaginings has more interesting
graphics and features. The illustration on the flap that make up the front
of the purse shows Red finishing up a self-portrait that has been drawn
with four gigantic colored pencils (probably another case of the misconception
by the artist of the Fraggles being Smurf-sized).
The purse
also features a window where the child can place a photograph of themselves
or whatever else they choose to stash in their purse. The reverse side
shows the Fraggle Rock logo. The purse measures approximately 6 by 6 inches
and 2 inches wide. Items like these are always a little nicer for the
collector when they haven't been preowned unless they were extremely well
kept or unused. It's never too certain how many radish sandwiches were
stored and forgotten about in items like this purse.

Rock Weekly Reader Tote Bag (1985)
of the free gifts offered to subscribers to Weekly Readers' Fraggle Rock
book series was a tote bag featuring all five Fraggles. It's a great illustration
however it appears that some of the colors used on it did not reproduce
very well during production, but this does not detract from the bag's
over all appearance.
this tote bag is among the more easily obtained Fraggle Rock items especially
through eBay. One can often be acquired for under $10.00.

Rock Halloween Costumes (1985)
by Ben Cooper, Inc., there are 3 known children's Fraggle Rock Halloween
costumes made by Ben Cooper, Inc. These were the ones sold in the window
boxes but possibly could have been sold also on the cardboard hangers.
They consist
of a vinyl face mask with a rubber band to hold it on and a 2 piece vinyl
costume with an illustration of the character on the front. The Fraggle
Rock characters known so far are Gobo, Red and a Doozer.

Rock Girl's Winter Gloves (1988)
Made by G
& S Originals, these pinks knit gloves fit children ages 4 to 7. Each
glove has a picture of Red Fraggle holding one of her big toes and calling
out to someone (most likely it's a part of a Fraggle game). She is printed
on the leather stitched onto the top side of each glove.
Go back to
Fraggle Rock Collectibles.

compiled by
Nick Bondra, Cindy Chapman and Phillip Chapman