Muppets: Trapped in the Magic Kingdom
Annika Abel
February 20, 2004
not the home most of us would have chosen, but then again, it wasn’t
our choice to make.
There will
undoubtedly be negative consequences. Will the Muppets be dumb-downed?
Will we see more Muppet Swamp Years only with increased violence and none
of the clever sketches that first brought the Muppets to prominence? Maybe.
Will we have to say goodbye to the Palisades figures and hello to cheap
PVCs and poorly crafted plushes of the main Muppets? Maybe. Will Kermit
cover the 50th anniversary of Sesame Street? Probably not.
Back in college
I used to make regular trips to Disneyland with a friend. We were both pretty
anti-Disney yet our pilgrimages developed into a well-loved tradition. A
tradition that began with the fairly innocuous act of counting the number
of parents who had dressed their kids in their best clothes (little girls
in row after row of ruffles and lace) so they’d look nice in the pictures
and then spent the entire day yelling at the kids not to get dirty.
(The phenomenon
is less
common these days but fifteen years ago it happened far more than you’d
From there we moved onto counting the number of
of the time the Muppets better remain Muppets—foam and puppeteer.
If we lose the puppetry we will have lost too much. |
who were beating
their kids in the ‘happiest place on earth.’ That
led to some pretty tasteless jokes about the bell tower on "It’s
a Small World" and the even more tasteless game of pointing out all
the spots one could release the super flu (the blow darts in the Indiana
Jones ride were a favorite). I’m happy to say we put that particular
game to rest before 9/11. My point is, my relationship with Disney
has always been contradictory. On the one hand I enjoy the parks and some
of the movies (the older ones). On the other, I am offended by the crass
commercialism, excessive violence and thinly veiled racism and sexism that
populates so many Disney creations. I don’t respect Disney, but I
admit they’re the best at what they do. JHC
has always had depth. Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock; you won’t find
more socially responsible programming. Muppets From Space wasn’t
exactly a moral compass for kids, but the basic message in that movie,
as in so many Muppet productions, was friends stick together. Your best
pal may be a weirdo wearing tin foil and driving a lawn mower, but he’s
your best pal and you risk life and limb and medical research experiments
to save him. I feel anyone producing entertainment for children has a
responsibility to think carefully about what they are saying to kids and
how they are saying it. Disney has made great family entertainment and
they’ve made some good movies in the past twenty years. But Disney
isn’t a family company anymore. Disney is responsible first to its
shareholders and board of directors and profits, not kids, are the bottom
Change is
always unsettling and the sort of massive change facing the Muppets, and
by extension Muppet fans, is likely to make the most stoic a bit queasy.
When this kind of change involves a company like Disney it’s hard
to avoid outright nausea. Let’s look at a few of the particulars
causing concern.
there will probably be more merchandise. Yes lots of it will probably
be cheap and aimed at kids. But remember Disney does make high-end collectibles.
Plenty of ‘em. Is there anything more collectible than Mickey Mouse?
The difference is Disney is more imperialistic than JHC. Disney makes
low-end stuff for the masses and high-end stuff for the elite. Disney’s
high-end collectibles are often billed as investments, art, things that
will increase in value and thus are worth the mega bucks one has to sink
into them. Henson’s high-end collectibles have, for the most part,
been along the lines of the Sideshow busts and Palisades figures and the
old Sigma line. Quite attainable by the majority of fans. So the question
is not will we lose the high-end collectibles, rather it should be: will
we lose the mid-range collectibles. And the answer is maybe.
it should be noted that there was no guarantee of another MuppetFest
with JHC in charge of the Muppets. I think we can safely assume there
will never be a MuppetFest like the 2001 MuppetFest. The small size allowed
that to be a more personal experience than we could expect from a second.
Ultimately MuppetFest was the amazing experience it was because of the
dedication and heart of the Muppeteers, the Hensons (most notably Brian)
and the rest of the Henson folk who were involved. It was their appreciation
of the fans and their willingness to give of themselves that made MuppetFest.
Disney might
do a fan convention. It gives them the opportunity to fill rooms at one
of their hotels during the off-season and sell passes to one of their
parks. It doesn’t take a lot of work on their part because they
already own the hotels and the parks. It would let them show off some
new Muppet themed rides. Sell some merchandise. I think it is entirely
plausible that Disney could decide to do a MuppetFest. What I don’t
think it would include is the personal touch we got in December 2001.
I don’t think Jane Henson would be walking around the lobby talking
to fans. I don’t think the Muppeteers would be allowed to stay and
sign autographs for every fan who waited in line. So I’d say it
is possible but with more flash and probably less substance than we got
because Disney isn’t buying Fraggle Rock now doesn’t mean
Disney won’t acquire the brand in the future. Disney has problems
of their own right now. It is possible that Eisner concentrated on the
franchises the Disney board was most familiar with, the franchises they
could most easily exploit. Maybe once the dust settles and the Muppets
are hard at work on new products and Bear has new video releases Disney
will make another shopping trip through JHC. Or maybe Brian and Lisa have
plans of their own for Fraggle and Dark Crystal and the other properties.
Or maybe they will truly be lost in the shuffle.
JHC has long
held puppetry workshops where they find new talent and begin grooming
puppeteers for the role of Muppeteer. It’s been worth the expenses
involved for JHC to develop new talent because they used those puppeteers
for the classic Muppets, Sesame Street, and various other projects (Fraggle
Rock, Dark Crystal, etc.). Now JHC only has the ‘various other projects’
to staff. Maybe they’re planning Dark Crystal II, the re-launch
of Fraggle Rock and other puppet-based (or at least puppet-heavy) productions
but that isn’t the sense I’m getting. From the press releases
and articles it sounds like Brian and Lisa want to take their careers
in other directions, further away from the puppetry foundation they inherited.
It doesn’t seem likely they’ll pour the limited funds of JHC
into puppet workshops.
who will train the puppeteers? What will happen when Sesame Street needs
to hire new puppeteers? Maybe that isn’t much of an issue because
the reduced Sesame seasons have left plenty of New York-based puppeteers
looking for work (and creating it for themselves in innovative ways that
make us long for a trip to Avenue Q). But what happens if (when?) Disney
goes to work on the next Muppet movie? Or a Muppet production ten years
from now? What happens if Jerry retires and Dave wants to cut back and
Brian and Frank are both busy directing their own films? Bill can’t
do all the characters. Even if Kevin is available (and the current Sesame
schedule makes that pretty likely) we’ll still need new Muppeteers.
Is Disney going to carry on the talent development programs? Actually,
they’d have to create their own because the JHC program still belongs
to JHC and some of the staff was lost when the Sesame Muppets were sold
to Sesame Workshop. Dividing the main Muppet franchises means more than
no more Muppet Family Christmas style crossovers. It means the infrastructure
that supported the Muppets, the infrastructure that has sustained some
heavy blows in the past few years, may be crumbling fast.
theory on the 1989 talks with Disney holds that negotiations broke down,
in part, over Muppeteer ownership of the characters. JHC has always had
great respect for the tie between puppeteer and character. Many of us
would be horrified to see Gonzo without Dave or Pepe without Bill. Disney
has always been more concerned with character than performer. That could
mean the return of Scooter, Rowlf, and a host of other Muppets rarely
seen and even more rarely voiced since the deaths of Jim and Richard.
But it could also mean drastic changes in all the Muppets. Disney has
more experience with cartoons than puppets. The Muppeteers bring so much
more to their characters than simply movement and voice. They bring them
soul. They bring them to life. Time will tell whether Disney recognizes
and respects the tie between character and performer.
It is the
talk of CGI Muppets that concerns me the most. It could be great. I can
see a fabulous new movie opening with the Muppets in CGI. Kermit and the
gang are up to their usual tricks and Muppet hi-jinks ensues. An increasingly
stressed out Kermit tries to rein in the others and runs smack into the
computer screen. He realizes he’s computer generated. He realizes
there is no one underneath him. It was hard enough on Kermit when he had
to adjust to Steve instead of Jim, but this is too much for him. He starts
to panic, he’s banging on the computer screen, and he wakes up.
Back in regular Muppet foam form his nightmare has woken the others. A
sleepy-eyed Robin asks what all the commotion is about and Floyd tells
him to go back to sleep, Kermit just had another one of his CGI dreams.
I can see some fabulous Muppety stuff done that way. The next time Piggy
needs to skate through Central Park, CGI it by all means. But 99% of the
time the Muppets better remain Muppets—foam and puppeteer. If we
lose the puppetry we will have lost too much.
and his loveable troupe of pigs and bears and rats and whatevers are packing
their bags. Let’s hope they aren’t treated like second-rate
step-children. Let’s hope they aren’t relegated to preschool
direct-to-video snoozes. Let’s hope they aren’t swallowed
by computers. Let’s hope the focus isn’t on theme park rides
but on quality films and if not a new series at least some TV specials
with the Muppet humor we know and love (and the jokes that went over our
heads when we were kids).
On one particularly
memorable visit to Disneyland my friend and I fell asleep on Tom Sawyer’s
Island. (Actually, we fell asleep on pretty much every ride except Space
Mountain, long story involving less than considerate roommates and coed
dorms.) We woke up sunburned and disoriented. Waking up in the Magic Kingdom
is disconcerting. At least for me it was only one afternoon.