Happy Tree Friends - This show only aired on TV for a season and is mostly on the Internet and DVD, but dang, people seem to hate this show with a passion. Parents have complained that their kids saw the show. I'm sorry, but is a cartoon rabbit with a lollipop stuck in his eyeball really going to corrupt your kids? Plus it gets way more hate than it deserves and people often call it "an Itchy & Scratchy ripoff" and other stuff like that.
Robot Chicken - Because of my newfound love for this show (finally finding a cartoon that comes in second place after Happy Tree Friends on my favorites list), I'm sure you expected to see this on here. People seem to think that this show is nothing but a bunch of 80s references and see it as "Family Guy without a plot,". But when you think about it, Robot Chicken has barely done any 80s stuff in the past few years. They realized that 80s nostalgia is dead and moved on to 90s and early 2000s references. Family Guy on the other hand is still stuck in the 80s to this day and rarely references anything from the 90s or the new millennium. Remember Seth MacFarlane, 80s nostalgia isn't popular anymore, 90s nostalgia is the next big thing.
The Cleveland Show - I've noticed that people often make fun of this show by calling "Family Guy with black people," or "The Cleveland Steamer Show" because of the sex jokes. But the thing is, what else you would you expect from a show by Seth MacFarlane? I've been a MacFarlane fan for at least 4 years now and I would expect sex jokes, offensive jokes, pop culture jokes, and toilet humor from anything he makes. If Seth changes his image some people (who are true fans like me) might complain. I personally like The Cleveland Show a lot but it's still not better than Family Guy & American Dad. I'm sorry but the pure amount of quotability on those two shows puts them higher on my favorite shows list. Quote Family Guy & American Dad to anybody who's at least 15 and I guarantee that he or she will know what you mean, The Cleveland Show they might not.
MAD - A lot of people compare this show to Robot Chicken which gets on my nerves a lot. Sure they are both animated sketch comedies that do parodies, but Mad is based off of Mad Magazine and has no relation to Robot Chicken (aside from the fact that the creator Kevin Shinick is a former writer for RC), but I mean that the show doesn't have any inspiration from Robot Chicken that we know of. Mad is a long running franchise that has been around since before Seth Green (the creator of Robot Chicken) was born. It has gone on since the 50s and still going strong to this day. I really don't like when people say that MAD is just a bunch of toilet humor either. There are plenty of juvenile jokes on MAD, but there are plenty of witty ones for adults too. If you sit down and watch the show, you will realize that there is much more sophisticated comedy than half of the modern kiddie shows and it feels almost like a 90s cartoon because of how they love to make use of the Parental Bonus and Getting the Crap Past the Radar tropes.
The Muppets (2015) - I was very disgusted to find out how many Muppet fans complained about this show. People on IMBD were saying that "Jim Henson would've hated it," &"it ruins Jim's vision," and stuff like that. People need to realize something:The Muppets aren't Sesame Street! Jim Henson didn't even want to have anything to do w/Sesame Street at first and almost turned them down because he was afraid it would ruin his image as an adult entertainer, Jim has always wanted to appeal to adults.The new Muppets show may have been edgy at times, but The Muppets have always been slightly edgy because that was what Jim wanted. So what if Kermit
is shown drinking beer,smoking, or saying the H-Word? It's not the end of the world. Mickey Mouse has done things like that too & he's for kids.
I absolutely loved this show and so did my family and friends. Mom, Dad, and I would watch The Muppets every week and laughed a lot. All my favorite characters were back and better than ever, the writing was absolutely fantastic, they had plenty of good celebrities and good songs, everything about this show was wonderful in my opinion,
