The thing is... I feel like someone wanted to reboot the Furry Arms Hotel but give it a Faulty Towers Britishness at the same time.
So either Louie or Mae are brother and sister to either Fergus or Penelope.
Was that the Two-Headed Monster that pops up whenever the gong sounds for monster teatime? And maybe it's just me, but when that gong rang I expected a tall Muppet monster to show up saying "Yooou raang?" in a deep gravely voice.
From some article I read, it claimed Elmo's dad lived in London until he moved to America. Funella is his sister, apparently. But none of this seems to be explained in the show at all. And it's not the Two-Headed Monster; it's a group of 5 monsters (one of which is just the Narf puppet).
I kind of wish the series were...funnier. The Furry Arms had so many good jokes and gags. For example:
Humphrey: So, do you have any luggage?
Sheep Guest: Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
That's a clever, good joke and I wish the Furchester had more of those kinds of moments, especially considering they have virtually their whole stock character library with them.