Here are a couple of pet peeves of mine that are ever-growing.
When long periods of time go by (even months), and I can't get people into a friendly chat, even for just a minute or so. This doesn't apply to MC friends, because quite frankly, they're the best people to chat with on YIM (love ya Colbynfriends and MrsPepper!), but everyone else is like... y'know, you see them are online and all, but you try to start up a conversation, and one of the first things they says is "BRB", then the next thing you know, you get the message saying "So-and-so has signed out"; then other times, you wait for them to start the conversation, and they never do... you can be online for a couple of hours, and they are to, but nothing happens. There are even times when a chat is happening, and after a few words at the beginning, time passes away, and nothing else happens, then I finally chime in with a sarcastic, "Well, this has been a fascinating conversation", and they're like, "Oh, sorry". THEN, there are spells of time when they suddenly decide they DO want to be chatty, and they go on like nothing's happened. It really frustrates me, because I care very much about the friends that I have, and when I don't here from them over extended periods of time, and I know that some of them deal with personal drama on a regular basis, it makes me wonder what exactly they're up to, what's going on in their world, how they're doing, etc.
2. This one's been really increasing lately: I spend a great amount of time on creative endeavours and what not (sometimes hours on in), and people act like they're really excited and can't wait to see it, then when I finally do share it, I get maybe two kinds of feedback from someone saying "Cool", "Nice", and a simple "Love it". That's kind of a slap in the face to me, because all those hours of hard work, and dedication to something, and for what? I was especially astounded that the few new YouTube-exclusive Steve D'Monster vids I did have gotten the so few views and comments they have.
Gee whiz... now this thread's pretty much gotten me into a bad mood now.