I'm gonna have to disagree I think a early 2014 release would be better. Besides until Disney gives the go ahead everything is still up in the air. If this is the storyline and the best they could do I have to say I'm quite disappointed. But until I see something more concrete like filming is starting I'm taking everything with a grain of salt. Disney is only rushing this for the money whether there's a crap storyline or not. I do not wanna see them wreck this movie by poor rushing.
After the holidays is notoriously the worst time for movies. That's usually where companies dump what they don't like. That would be terrible.
I don't see anything in "comedy caper" to cause disappointment.

All we know is that it will be comedy (like all Muppet movies) and a caper (i.e. a playful escapade with a possible criminal element). That's very Muppety and there are a million ways to play that. This sounds like a traditional device rather than a gimmicky one like retellings of classic literature or Muppets from Space. Just because they're going back to their roots doesn't mean they're redoing old scripts. It's a very vague pitch. It's also very simple and as we all know "Simple is good!"
I see inspiration rather than cynicism in Disney's passion for getting this project moving.

They are very interested in the Muppets right now - giving them so much thoughtful, cross-media attention.

The entertainment industry, just like all other industries, is about money. I'd steer clear of any company that doesn't want to make buckets of money.

What you're proposing is that Disney doesn't care about the Muppets' quality and I see no current evidence of that aside from their idea of kicking around this ambitious time table.
It's too soon for concern. On the contrary, the news so far is very good and very Muppety!