Hi there,
Yeah I won't appoligize. There's no need. You were expressing how much you care as a fan. And what's so amazing about these characters is that sometimes we forget they are made of foam and fabric. lol That's the pure magic of it. I'm sure Steve and Bill are so pleased to have such a kind hearted fan like you
As for Disney, yeah It could have been a security thing. If they were that concern they should have just stood there and just waited. That's sometimes an issue I have for corporations (not trying to be specific with Disney, but most) is that they need to understand that fandom is super important. And it's not always about making money (even though it's money that helps make the art), but the most important is making art and making lots of people very happy. That's the sort of thing that Jim wanted to do since the very begaining (notice The Muppet Movie plot). And I think Disney is slowly noticing all these little details with The Muppets and stuff. But that's just my opinion.
Anyway that's cool that you got to actually chat with Kermit. I think I had day dreams of myself doing that and I think I would just laugh the whole time enjoying myself and in good fan nervousness. lol
I wish I came up with a question to ask the characters when I was at MuppetFest. Rats. lol "YES SIR!" (no I mean shoot) "BOOM!" (No I mean darn!) *refference to The John Goodman episode of Muppets Tonight lol couldn't resist,
P.S. Again, no need to apologize, I'm sure your not the only one. Your just being a fan, and that's okay

Trust me. I've seen Muppet fans at MuppetFest. A bunch of them going up to the mic asking the Muppeteers questions in Kermit's voice, I've even seem someone write Jim's and Kermit's name on the bathroom stall. lol