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Fanfic: She learnt me to see


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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She was born without a future
She won't make it without me
But she leant me something special
She learnt me to see, yeah
She learnt me to see
(translated from Dutch)

So, here's my new fanfic.
Don't think my old one died, I just continue it when I finished this one.
I like the character of the sixteen-year-old saxplayer...:cool:
And BTW, Daisy is my new Fanfic Charry.
And the drawing next to this story: http://effiequisquilla.deviantart.com/#/d3g3j0d

Part 1: The walking stick

It was a very hot day in Juli.
The air above the empty roads shaked of heat.
Nobody went out of his house, even the birds were silent.
Only in the park was one young man sitting on a bench. He wasn't even a young man, he was just a teen.
Everybody who would have seen him there (nobody did) would mention he was in a mood of pur teenager fear. The fear which is stalking you with bad thoughts.
"I always knew... I'm just a fool worth nothing...", he whispered with a voice sore of crying.
"I knew..." He felt the tears burning behind his eyes and wanted most to slap himself right into his face.
Come on, a voice into his head mentioned, you're a brave guy, and sixteen year old guys don't cry.
"But I'm not brave...", he said. Again he felt embarassed. One, he was talking against nobody. Second, he was crying like a little girl.

"Are you allright?" a tiny, fragile voice suddenly mentioned.
He looked up and swept away his tears, tried to smile. "Why, yeah..."
He saw a girl of about his age standing there. She looked normal, with as two exceptions her big sunglasses and a weird kind of red-white walking stick.
"what's your name?" she asked. She tapped on the ground with the stick while walking to the bench.
"I-I'm Zterim Kavil, but most of the times I'm called Zoot."
"Zoot...", the girl repeated. "Nice name."I'm Daisy. Daisy MCGreen."
The two teens sat silent next to eachother on the bench for a while.
Them Daisy said: "You sound kinda... sad. What's up?"
"Oh er... It's just... People on my school don't accept me as who I am. According to my parents, I'm a bit depressed."
"Poor you...", Daisy said.
Zoot looked at her. She had a round face with thick, red hair, a purple skin and a blue nose. He couldn't see anything of her eyes.
"I think you have to wait...", she said.
"I'm waiting my whole life already." he mumbled.
"Me too, Zoot...", she said.
He felt surprised. He mumbled it very quiet, and still she heard it. Weird.
"Are you surprised I heard you?" Daisy asked.
Zoot nodded and waited till she aswered.
"Zoot? Why don't you respond?" she said, still patiently.
"I nodded!" Zoot said.
Daisy laughed, it's sounded like someone fiddled with a newspaper.
"I can't see that, my dear." She took off her shades.
Zoot looked into her eyes. Her pupils were grey and empty. Daisy was blind.
Of course, that's why she heard him so good, she was only focussing on sounds!
And she used her walking stick as an aid to know where she walked.
Daisy put up her shades again.
"Sorry. I must be scaring you. I'll go, don't bother."
"No Daisy!", he said. "I'm just impressed. It's so good you dare to walk alone."
He was silent for a moment, them he asked: "Is it hard to live without seeing?"
She shaked her head. "No. I'm blind since I was three weeks old. I don't know else."
She tapped on the bench till she found his hand.
Zoot pulled away his hand immediately. No more girls, he thought.
Daisy laughed again. "I don't do that because I love you. I can feel your mood in your hands."
She took his hand again, carefully.
"You've got much tension in your hands. You're still sad, aren't you?"
"Yes.", he said. "How did you learn that?"
"Easy.", Daisy said. "All I did is to learn to see."


End of chapter 1


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Very nice so far!

I like the idea of feeling tension in the hands; I have done some massage work (completely amateur, but experienced) and know how true that is: our bodies project a great deal of our inner mind. We just become adept at hiding it...

And okay, I know it's technically incorrect, but I LOVE the phrase "The air above the empty roads shaked of heat." Very strong image! :cool:

Keep it up, please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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Part 2

"Mum? Dad?", Zoot asked. "Let me introduce you to my nwe friend, Daisy McGreen."
"Girlfriend?", Michelle asked.
"Múúúúm!", Zoot said. Daisy laughed.
"Er, Daisy?" Osàk asked. "Can you please take off your sunglasses indoors?"
"Dad!", Zoot said. He looked angry at his father. Daisy laughed again.
Them she said to Osàk: "Dear mister Kavil, I'm blind."
Osak blushed. "Oh. Sorry."
"Doesn't matter," Daisy said, "There are more people who don't mention that at first. Like your son."
"Well Daisy..." Michelle stood up and took Daisy's hand. "I'm Michelle Anderson, Zoot's mother."
"Nice to meet you.", Daisy smiled. Zoot couldn't imagine how she would look when she didn't smile.
She smiled always.
Them Osàk spoke up. "I'm Osàk Kavil, Zoot's father."
"Your accent is slight Arabic or Hebrew," Daisy said, "Have you been living there?"
"Yes..." Osàk was very surprised. "I'm from Israel..."
"You're a very nice girl, Daisy," Michelle said, "Are you from Ireland? Your hair is red."
"IRELAND?", Osàk suddenly shouted. "If you are, get outta here!"
"What's up with Irish people?", Daisy asked to Zoot.
"My sister Idona did get a boyfriend serveral years ago, and he was Irish. They both moved to Ireland. And my dad's still angry with the unfortunally guy."
"But I'm not Irish!", Daisy said. "I'm just an American muppet!"
"Hm," Osàk mumbled. "I don't believe."
"Osàk, that's enough!" Michelle said.
"Umm, Daisy, c'mon, we'll take a walk," Zoot said.
When he closed the door, he heard his mum and dad begin to scream at eachother.
"Don't feel embarassed, Zoot..."Daisy said.
"It's normal when parents are a bit arguing."
"A bit?", Zoot said. "They're always arguing!"
Daisy took his hand.
"Are you again feeling my tension?" He asked.
Daisy shaked her head. "I hold your hand so I don't have to use my stick. Can I trust you?"
"Yes,"Zoot said. "You can trust me."

End of part 2

Sorry for the short post, but I wanted to update my story and I didn't have much time.
And thanks for the comments! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
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This is really terrific!

I love how it's going so far! And the descriptions are really neat!

The character of Daisy is so great. She's always so calm and friendly. As if her descriptions weren't enough, the picture enhances everything! So adorable!
Love this quote here: "Zoot couldn't imagine how she would look when she didn't smile.
She smiled always."

Aw, poor Zoot...


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I think "I'm just an American Muppet!" is my fave line so far. :smile:

Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
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Is music. Is Zoot. Is muppet who no can see. Is more?

...peoples is peoples.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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Thanks to you all! :smile:

Chapter 3

Zoot didn't know if it was because of the hot day or Daisy holding his hand he suddenly felt weird. Some weird sparkling deep inside his chest. Just ate something wrong, he thought to himself. But he knew very good what was happening with him.
It was late in the afternoon and the heat of the morning was now only a pleasant warmth. The air sure was some kind of muggy, and it felt like he inhaled stick syrup instead of air. But there was something good in the air between the two teens.
The birds, which had been silent during the day, began to whistle again, a little orchestra sounded out the trees now. The day could not have end better than this.
He cast a furtive glance at his brandnew friend. Maybe, he thought, maybe she knows what I'm thinking about. But she didn't look at him like he was a weirdo. Not yet.
He decided to tell it to her.
"Daisy...", he began. He didn't dare to complete his sentence. Sure, he looked like a weirdo, and not even like some kind of stereotypical nerd, but like some kind of freak.
Suddenly he realized that Daisy didn't see him, so she also would have no prejudice.
"What do you want to say?", Daisy asked. Zoot blushed and was glad that Daisy didn't notice it. But again, she felt his hand. "You're such a nervous person, Zoot. Why? I think you're quite lovely!"
"That's what YOU think!" He said it sharper than he wanted to. He felt the tears burn in the corners of his eyes.
"Sorry, Daisy. It has nothing to do with you. I just..." He sighed. "What I told you. I'm not really an ordinary guy."
"Indeed," she said on a low tone, "I think you're special. You're really not ordinary. I know what it's like, being different."
She was silent for a moment. "Don't you think I have ever been bullied? There are people who are scared of me, Zoot. Not only for I'm a muppet, but also because I'm blind. They see me as a contagious disease. As some kind of nasty parasite. I hope you think I'm not."
She looked him in the eyes. She didn't really look , because she moved her eyes uninterrupted in a kind of spastic way behind her sunglasses, Zoot knew. But she did just do it for the symbolic tone of her little lecture.
"I don't think you are! My mum has been taking care of disabled people, and I've never dare to think they were scary or something! They were just people in their mind. Only their body didn't functionate like it had to, but they're people! You're also just a muppet and I love you!"
He nearly hit his hands comic-like to his mouth. Four words too much, you fool, his inner voice shouted. He resisted the urge to shrink.
"Zoot...", Daisy said slowly, "I love you to."
Maybe, if everything went good after that sentence which came out of the delicate mouth of Daisy, they would have hugged eachother or even kissed on that point. I guess we'll never know, because it DIDN'T went good.
Zoot heard the guys when they were on the corner of the street. Why, he thought dumb, are there corners on a street if it's however to late to see any enemy coming?
"Heya blind chick!", the tallest of the group shouted. "Ayya walkin' with the freak?"
"Who are they?", Daisy whispered to Zoot. "My worst nightmare", Zoot responsed. He felt weird again. But this time it wasn't love. This time it was the most extreme fear he had ever felt. It spread itself as an army of malignant ants out of his chest, untill it reached his members and head, and a high, raw scream escaped from his mouth.
~End of part two.

Ehh, for one of you didn't notice, this wasn't the end yet :wink: