Christmas Music
Our 24th annual Christmas Music Merrython is underway on Muppet Central Radio. Listen to the best Muppet Christmas music of all-time through December 25.
Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Let us know your thoughts on the Sesame Street appearance at the annual Macy's Parade.
Jim Henson Idea Man
Remember the life. Honor the legacy. Inspire your soul. The new Jim Henson documentary "Idea Man" is now streaming exclusively on Disney+.
Back to the Rock Season 2
Fraggle Rock Back to the Rock Season 2 has premiered on AppleTV+. Watch the anticipated new season and let us know your thoughts.
Bear arrives on Disney+ The beloved series has been off the air for the past 15 years. Now all four seasons are finally available for a whole new generation.
Sam and Friends Book Read our review of the long-awaited book, "Sam and Friends - The Story of Jim Henson's First Television Show" by Muppet Historian Craig Shemin.
for anyone who might have wondered what the "Easter" special with the bunnies was, I believe that was a reference to Tale of the Bunny Picnic with Billy Bunny.
ooh, i've got that too.. love it! and my grand daughter keeps stealing it (she'll be 3 nest month..) so I think she's getting her own for her birthday... hehe
I just bought a knit Kermit cap... the kind with the long flaps over the ears.. is very cool, only problem is the nearly 3 yr old grand daughter keeps trying to steal it, so I may have to buy her one of her own...
well, after a day and a half, the insane winds (around 50 mph or so according to the weather station) have finally stopped for a little while.. (hopefully long enough for me to finish clearing garden stuff off the porch and go fish stuff out of the yard, esp the tree that fell over...) took down...
Is cool that you got to meet Caroll.. closest I've gotten to any sort of connection with any of the muppeting gang is that a friend's mom went to school with Caroll way back when...
I went and found the clip on youtube and did a screen capture.. not the best quality, but is the best I could do with the clip..
hope it helps
oh yes.. forgot.. we've also decided that if we adopt a boy, his name will be James Daniel Merlin (after Jim Henson, Danny Kaye, and my father in law) and he will be told who and why he's named for them all :)
i'd also expect to see a screen shot of the character from the film, which this doesn't have.. and honestly, it looks a bit scarier then the goblins in the film
we've named several pets after muppet characters... Pepe and Gobo for the dogs.. back when we kept mice several of them got fraggle rock related names, flange, flubberduck, philo and grundge, etc..
i personally am at the point were i really don't even care anymore about the posers. I'm not going to get my hopes up about them until we have stuff actually in the works and in place. I just want something, anything, out on the market. You can't expect people to be refamiliarized with the...
stamps never even made it to my neck of the woods.. I kept pestering the post office about them but they never got them.. I eventually had to order them online
honestly, right now, I'd be happy with some nicely done reasonably realistic and not too overly priced plushes.. I mean, I want the posers, too, but right now, I'd really like to see just about anything in the market...
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