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  1. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Not quite dead yet sir?
  2. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Well good forg alive since your so eager to try this thing out you may pick what your hit with. Then after that you can pick something and hit me or someone else if you so choose.
  3. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    This magnificent work of art is going to cause utter craziness! I'm gonna load this suckered with whipped cream, water balloons, pies, slime, and all kinds of non violent non painful, and sometimes eat able things at my friends.
  4. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    That's will teach you not to bother a slightly crazy guy building a very fun top secret and very expensive catapult.....oh rats... I let the cat out of the bag.
  5. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    * Takes off sock and smacks @Froggy Fool* You will know when I know it is complete! Now hand me that thingy over there please.
  6. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    That's nice * continues building top secret project*
  7. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Hehe *Starts building a secret project*
  8. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Five Guy's have awesome fries!
  9. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Ah mark that as a place I ain't ever gonna eat at. I'll take a Big Mac any day of the week though.
  10. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Anyways let's dance our cares away!
  11. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Whoever did these really did an awesome job! Ha ha books, and porn lol.
  12. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Graphics fools graphics is really where it's at. Also I agree with @Old Thunder I think everyone should stop worrying and enjoy life. Because honestly we all have so much to be thankful for.
  13. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    No everything matters and yes many many of your posts were deleted. Thrown away in the wastelands of deletion because you post on threads that are created by trollsome who will one day end up rolling this very forum!
  14. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Your favorite holiday?
  15. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    I really need to stop posting on here with my eyes closed.....
  16. dwayne1115

    Let's see how many replies we can get to this post!

    Who give a ducks fart?
  17. dwayne1115

    I won't be posting anymore...

    Favorite Muppet?