My Sesame Street YouTube Poops:


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2003
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OK, I'm not sure if this is the right sub-forum to post these in, but some of you may know (such as DrTooth) that I am a YouTube Poop-maker, and I have often used "Sesame Street" clips (both classic and contemporary) as a poop source. Here are the ones I made so far...
"Kermit the Frog's Bad Day"
A poop of one of my favorite Sesame Street News sketches, the original 1972 "Three Little Pigs" report with the pig's straw house, complete with a Herry Monster reference! :wink:
"The Exciting Poop of SUPER GROVER!"
Poop of the first segment of "Five Sesame Street Stories."
"Super Grover Can't Stop Farting"
Made this one because of how in the "Speeding Sled" segment on "Five Sesame Street Stories," at one point when Grover crash lands, they used what sounds like a farting noise, which I take advantage of. Also includes a few classic Sesame references at the beginning.
"Super Grover vs. the Three Bears"
Another "Five Sesame Street Stories" poop, on the third segment, complete with a Monsterpiece Theater intro!
"Big Bird Brings Death to Sesame Street"
Easily one of my most popular poops of all time, parodying the final segment on the video. I'm sure some of you may find Big Bird's final victim assassination to be funny :stick_out_tongue:
"Big Bird Strikes Back"
Poop on the "Everyone Makes Mistakes" story from "Three Sesame Street Stories"
"Wanted: the Great Bagel Thief"
Poop on the last story from the same videotape, complete with Roosevelt Franklin and the Guy Smiley-like cowboy featuring their TRUE voices!
"Super Grover and the Hole Fishing Story"
Another "Five Sesame Street Stories" poop.
"Sesame Street Goes Gangsta Rap!"
Poop of the Murray Has a Little Lamb opening song.
"The Only Mysterious Theater YouTube Poop Anyone Has Ever Made"
Exactly what the title says, a poop on the "Missing Toast" segment complete with plenty o' mentions on how scary the skit is :stick_out_tongue:
"Mystery of the Mind Rape"
OK, so this is not exactly a Sesame poop per se (it poops the Arthur episodes "Binky Rules/Meet Binky,") but since it does have a parody of the "Mystery!" intro, I give that parody the "Mysterious Theater" twist and have Vincent Twice introduce the story!
"Elmo Ruins Christmas!"
A poop on "Elmo Saves Christmas" with a downer ending.
"Freaky 1970s Sesame Street Goes Wild!"
Exactly what the title says. I used a few of Xerus and other's posts on the "What Sketches Scared You as a Kid?" thread for inspiration.

Tell me what ya think! :big_grin: