ABC Muppets in Oz Press Realease


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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If Miss Piggy's gonna play The Wicked Witch of the East. Does that mean a house will land on her? I can just imagine her pig feet swirling up once the slippers get removed from her. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Daffyfan2003 said:
I agree. Eric has really got Piggy down. I wouldn't have known it wasn't Frank if I hadn't looked at this website.
I agree, I think Eric's Piggy is great. His Fozzie still needs a little work IMO, but I think Frank's characters are in good hands.

Horace D' Fly

Aug 26, 2004
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BoyRaisin2 said:
I agree, I think Eric's Piggy is great. His Fozzie still needs a little work IMO, but I think Frank's characters are in good hands.
I think Eric is great, but like Steve with Kermit, I think he needs some time before he is more comfortable with Piggy. Right now I see an imitation of Frank doing Piggy. It's the same thing I used to see with Kermit, but now it feels as though Steve has brought his own take to the character. I feel Eric is the best choice, but I think he needs some time. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Horace D' Fly said:
I think Eric is great, but like Steve with Kermit, I think he needs some time before he is more comfortable with Piggy. Right now I see an imitation of Frank doing Piggy. It's the same thing I used to see with Kermit, but now it feels as though Steve has brought his own take to the character. I feel Eric is the best choice, but I think he needs some time. :smile:
I couldn't have said it any better, Mr. D'Fly! :stick_out_tongue: :frown:

Lady Holiday

Aug 31, 2004
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Horace D' Fly said:
I think Eric is great, but like Steve with Kermit, I think he needs some time before he is more comfortable with Piggy. Right now I see an imitation of Frank doing Piggy. It's the same thing I used to see with Kermit, but now it feels as though Steve has brought his own take to the character. I feel Eric is the best choice, but I think he needs some time. :smile:
Hmmm, you are very knowledgeable Horace....How do you know so much are you a puppeteer or something? For some reason I have always been really attracted to puppeteers. :flirt:

Horace D' Fly

Aug 26, 2004
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Lady Holiday said:
Hmmm, you are very knowledgeable Horace....How do you know so much are you a puppeteer or something? For some reason I have always been really attracted to puppeteers. :flirt:
I'm sorry Lady Holiday, but I'm married to my life as a puppeteer trying to make it big in this little city I call home. Nuff said. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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Xerus said:
I can just imagine her pig feet swirling up once the slippers get removed from her.
In the original book, the one this production is based off, the feet do not roll up. That was something invented by the classic MGM movie. The witch fades away leaving the shoes on the ground. When she is about to leave the Munchkin city, Dorthy takes the shoes off the ground because she feels they would be better than her shoes for such a long walk. The shoes in the book are also not red, they are silver shoes.

I wonder if this production will be true to the book or have the clichés created from the MGM movie, like the red shoes and a blue & white dress.

Also I wonder if this special will have things from the book normally left out, like Dorthy's dinner with Boq the munchkin in the woods, crossing the river on the raft, the Queen of the Field Mice, the ride back to Oz from the witch's castle from the Monkey King, the trip to Glinda's Castle, Dainty China Country, and the Country of the Quadlings. There is so much more left out of the MGM Movie (and subsequently from almost all American's re-tellings of the tale). The MGM movie has added so much to the story as well, and changed so much that most people have a very distorted view of the original story, it's kidda sad. You know the original never mentions a rainbow, the wizard looks differant to all 4 visitors untill revealed as a person, and at the characters in Oz don't represent people from her real life in Kansas.

If you want to read a free (and totally legal) online version of the original book you can at the following link (it's not that long of a book; 24 short chapters):

The original story has a lot of adventures that many people don't know about because of the MGM movie. I suggest all people read the real story and not base all ideas of the story off the MGM movie.

I wonder how much "MGM movie" influence the Muppet version will have. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2004
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I didn't realize that there was that much extra to the story. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the MGM movie is so ingrained in our culture, that we just accept that as the actual story. It is kind of unfortunate. :sympathy:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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BoyRaisin2 said:
I agree, I think Eric's Piggy is great. His Fozzie still needs a little work IMO, but I think Frank's characters are in good hands.
And I think this topic is straying...

Back on the regular topic of, ahum, Wizard of Oz:



Active Member
Aug 26, 2004
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Lady Holiday = Loony Holiday

"Of course the biggest star in the telefilm - she's absolutely certain - is Miss Piggy, who will take on the roles of all four witches: Wicked Witch of the East, Wicked Witch of the West, the Good Witch of the North and Glinda, the Good Witch of the South."
So that Miss Piggy doesn't have to play so many parts, maybe Lady Holiday should play one of the wicked witches. She's crazy!!

"We're excited to be working with these award-winning and talented artists on our first project since the Muppets joined The Walt Disney Company earlier this year," said Chris Curtin, general manager and vice president, Muppet Holding Company. "I know that Kermit, Miss Piggy and the rest of the Muppet gang, together with Ashanti and Queen Latifah, will certainly add a one-of-a-kind twist to this classic story and will entertain and inspire television audiences everywhere."
Has anyone heard anything about Chris Curtin? Do we, the Muppet fans, like him? I hope he's not a tool.